Birthstones By Month

Birthstones By Month

January: Garnet

  • Garnet comes in various colors, including green, orange, purple, yellow, pink, red, and black. It symbolizes friendship, trust, and loyalty.

February: Amethyst

  • Amethyst is a purple gem that ranges from light violet to reddish purple. It represents clarity of mind, protection, and inner strength.

March: Aquamarine

  • Aquamarine is a pale blue gem associated with calmness, courage, and communication. Bloodstone is another March birthstone, known for healing properties.

April: Diamond

  • Diamonds symbolize eternal love, purity, and strength. They are the hardest gemstone and come in various cuts and colors.

May: Emerald

  • Emeralds are vivid green gems representing love, fertility, and rebirth. They are often associated with wisdom and growth.

June: Pearl and Alexandrite

  • Pearls symbolize purity and innocence. Alexandrite changes color from green in daylight to red under incandescent light, signifying change and balance.

July: Ruby

  • Rubies are deep red gems symbolizing passion, love, and courage. They are considered the “king of gemstones.”

August: Peridot

  • Peridot is a bright green gem associated with protection, healing, and positive energy. It’s believed to bring good luck.

September: Sapphire

  • Sapphires come in various colors, but blue is the most popular. They represent loyalty, wisdom, and nobility.

October: Opal and Tourmaline

  • Opals display a play of colors and symbolize creativity, inspiration, and spontaneity. Tourmalines come in a wide range of colors and promote balance and harmony.

November: Topaz and Citrine

  • Topaz can be blue, yellow, or orange. It signifies strength, wisdom, and protection. Citrine is a yellow gem associated with abundance and positivity.

December: Turquoise, Zircon, and Tanzanite

  • Turquoise represents protection, friendship, and good fortune. Zircon comes in various colors and symbolizes clarity and purity. Tanzanite is a blue-violet gem associated with transformation and spiritual growth.

Remember, birthstones hold personal significance, so choose the one that resonates with you!